Contact us immediately if you have received deficiencies.  Most responses need to be submitted within 10 calendar days. 
Clinical Laboratory Deficiencies
MBS can help you respond to any State or CLIA clinical laboratory Statement of Deficiency, irregardless of the seriousness or the number of deficiencies.  Call MBS immediately if you have received a Statement of Deficiency or a denial of a plan of correction or allegation of compliance.  These must be completed within 10 calendar days.
MBS provides clinical laboratories the guidance to write and implement accepted Allegations of Compliance within the required ten days. Accepted Allegations of Compliance have included the most serious hospital and independent laboratory immediate jeopardy, condition level deficiencies, as well as, other condition and standard level deficiencies.

MBS provides the guidance to hospital and independent clinical laboratories prepare responses to deficiencies of The Joint Commission, The College of American Pathologists (CAP) and COLA.

Our consultants can supervise the implementation of the changes in your laboratory, as well as, measuring change compliance.

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